- There is no such thing as a safe tan. If you are outside or in a tanning bed the rays still could be harmful.
- What carcinogens, chemicals that are known to cause cancer, means.
- The difference between the rate of speed that the cancer cell divide and normal cells divide and how much faster the cancer cell spread.
- When checkpoints don't see the mutation and let the cancer cell continue through it's cycle.
- The things that you do in your life can impact the chances that you have to get cancer. If you have a poor diet and are overweight you have a greater risk then people that eat healthy and exercise regularly.
Questions that I have:
- What does Benign and Malignant mean?
One thing that I liked:
- I really liked trying to give someone the best chance to live and help out the patient and the family members. Also I enjoyed using google documents.
One thing that I didn't like:
- That some people didn't do their slides so you didn't get to know that information on your patient.
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