Tuesday, April 24, 2012

windmill blog--Meg Trumper

our calculations:

energy=398.21 joules

power= 398.21/16.6 sec.

total power= 23.99 watts


How do airplane and windmills use air pressure to fly and rotate?

Well, air planes and windmills fly and rotate from the air pressure, by taking the wind (or air pressure) that is blowing onto it, or it is going through. The wind is like caught in the the curves of the rotors, or blades, making them move. I think it depends on how much air pressure their is, though!

Why was it necessary to twist your rotor blades at an angle?

It was necessary to twist the rotor blades, because it has to be there to basically catch the wind, and scoop it up, so they can move. With out any twisted-ness it cant spin, and it wont be moving!

Explain how rotors of a windmill, and a sail of a sailboat illustrate the same princible.

Well, the both make the things move! They both convert energy from one type to another.They both turn kinetic energy into electricity.

Which rotor had most power and why?

Kirsten's rotor did the best. Because, hers was long and thin, with a slight curve. It was almost perfectly set up! Actually, it was!

Who had the highest max. output ? why, what made it go, what was different about her design?

Kirstens...becuase as I said before, it was long, skinny, and slightly twisted. So, it was unlike everyone elses...because all of ours were all short and fat!

What are some limitations of the model?

The had to be slightly curved to grad the air pressure, and they had to be long, so they could turn more easily.

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