Friday, September 23, 2011

Madison's River Experiment

In class the last experiment we did was to see how certain things would effect rivers. My group decided to test how people and trash effected rivers.

My groups hypothesis was that if trash was in the water or near the water, and the current carries it away it could change the path of the river or the formation. To set up our experiment we set the tub of diatomaceous earth up a few inches. We used Styrofoam as a substitute for trash. We discovered that the river's path didn't change but it did carry the trash all the way to the bottom.

Our hypothesis to see how people affected rivers, was if we built a dam it would make the water shift and take a new path. To set this experiment up we set the tub of diatomaceous earth up a few inches, and built a dam with Styrofoam and then poured water in. When we poured the water in there were too many cracks so the experiment wasn't a good experiment. The water did make a little stream coming through the dam, but if there wasn't and cracks all the water could have stayed on one side.

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