Friday, September 23, 2011

Meg's River Experiment!:)

Hypothesis #1: We believe that people effect the formations of rivers.
Steps #1: We mixed the diatomacious earth and water together, to make a sand-like mixture. Then we put action figures, little cars, and graduated cylinders (to act like buildings), into the mixture. Then we moved the containor of mix side to side to see if the 'obstacles' would be aneffect to where a river can form.
Conclusion #1:In conclusion, putting 'people', 'buildings', and 'cars' in the mix where we put them, you mostly saw little areas where a small creek was forming...Espeacially by the buildings, not so much around the cars though.

Hypothesis #2: We believe that seismic activity could effect the formation of rivers.
Steps #2: We made up our diatomacious earth and water mixture. Then we put the magnets in two areas of our mixing tub. Then we put our tub on top of the magnetic stirrir to make an "earthquake". We watched as the magnets spun around and made more of a dip in the mix more than river.
Conclusion #2: In conclusion, seismic activity may or may not be a factor to forming a river. In our experiment only a little dip was made, but in real life, you would think thatg if an earthquake was to happen and it was strong enough a rift would be made..and so would a river.

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